Friday 9 July 2010

Cloud Control

It all started with making a cd for work. Now the staff at England at Home would have to be exposed to my idea of the feel good summer cd.

This cd just happened to have a song on it called 'Gold Canary' by Cloud Control, a lovely little four piece hailing from the Blue Mountains near Sydney. I am forever in a quest to prove to the masses in the UK that yes, in fact we can produce amazing artists, and no they don't all sound like Rolf Harris and sing about bush tucker and budgie smugglers.

But bands like Cloud Control make that job a whole lot easier by just being amazing.

I challenge you to get this tune out of your head.

So Cloud Control is the Australian band of the week. Or month. However long it takes for the song to get annoying. I've listened to it everyday at work about 20 times for the past couple of weeks and still feel the need to press repeat...

Also worth a look in on youtube is the video for 'Into the Line' which is more psychedelic (the singer has amazing hair in this video), the live video for Buffalo Country where they play in a square in Sydney at 9:30am, and the song Vintage Books.

See Cloud Control (along with all those I've coaxed into loving them) at The Hope (there is a venue change from the Freebutt) on Tuesday 20th July and for those in London at The Luminaire on the 22nd of July.

It's a whirlwind UK tour with only two other shows in Cambridge, then back to Australia in time for a gig at the Corner Hotel In Melbourne with The Magic Numbers.

With similarities drawn with bands like Vampire Weekend, The Shins and The Beachboys, and an attractive front man (apparently the girl in the band is his sister - my excited friend Tiffany pointed out), hopefully they'll come back over here again and stay a bit longer next time...

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