Friday 9 July 2010

Virginal attempts to get your attention

I have this friend you see, his name is Greg. I used to know someone called Greg back in High School. I think he had a band after school that did quite well back in Adelaide for a while. He invited me to a gig when I saw him out at a gig one night. I didn't show because I was busy. He sent me a message afterwards and expressed how disappointed he was but with swear words.

My other friend Greg hails from somewhere closer to Brighton UK, than Brighton Aus, and he doesn't cuss much (I don't think). He's also my friend Hannah's boyfriend. Hannah's one of the smarter people I know and if she's dated him for so long - he must be pretty smart too.

Greg is also an editor of You may have heard of it yes?!

Okay, so Greg is at the tender age of 23 and already he has been headhunted (I can only hope that one day someone will headhunt me for something even remotely cool).

He's worked very hard to get where he is, and most of us being in our 20's will know exactly what I'm talking about. You don't get anywhere without a little blood, sweat and tears.

Let's give him a helping hand and check out the website. His interview with Johnny Flynn is my favourite (but as my Mum says, even I can't even resist his lovely face).

Hannah might like to argue that Greg also has a beautiful face (and yes it is lovely my dear), but Johnny's is pretty damn fine too.

So two pretty faces for one people!

(Oh and the music is pretty fanstastic too - 'Barnacled Warship' is my favourite)

You know when someone asks you a favour, just a few minutes of your time?

This is that moment.

If you could join up on the website and get commenting it would be just so nice of you.

If you could do it every other day it would be super nice of you.

Just think - you are doing something nice for a friend of a friend and hey - you might just discover a new band or a catchy song to listen to incessantly on your ipod/ipad/crazy new age machine.

It's a tough world out there, and if I've learnt anything from moving to Brighton, it's that nothing happens on its own.

You need mates. You also need web traffic.


  1. Imagine if you got Greg, Mr Flynn and William from Almost Famous in the same room at the same time. The universe would just collapse in a cuddly puddle of awwwwww.

  2. Hehehe. Remember the days when we could only refer to him as the 'lovely face', or was it 'beautiful face'? Uh. Same thing. Awwww!

  3. Haha, for ages it was just 'face' I think. Lucky I didn't accidentally start going out with a member of the A Team...
